Corporate Governance

INPAQ fully values the importance of effective corporate governance and set up a corporate governance system in accordance to Taiwanese relevant laws. The principle of INPAQ corporate governance is to protect shareholders’ rights, ensure the Board/Supervisor/Independent Directors to supervise the company effectively and enhance information transparency.
In addition, INPAQ establishes a comprehensive information disclosure system to fairly disclose correct and timely relevant information on its website as well as MOPS (Market Observation Post System) to ensure shareholders can access to the Company’s updated information.


Major Internal Policies
00- Organization and Department.pdf
01.Articles of Incorporation.pdf
02.Rules and Procedures of Shareholders' Meeting.p
03.Rules and Procedures of Board Meeting.pdf
04.Asset Policy.pdf
05.Guarantee Policy.pdf
06.Lending Policy.pdf
07.Remuneration Committee Charter.pdf