INPAQ values employee rights and is deeply committed to forming a friendly environment conducive to human rights protection. The Company relies on the principles disclosed in human rights conventions such as the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Global Compact, United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and the ILO Declaration of Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work for its dedicated efforts in this area. It respects internationally recognized human rights including freedom of assembly and association, care for underprivileged groups, prohibition of child labor, elimination of any form of forced labor and discrimination in hiring and employment,eradication of any form of aggressive or abusive behavior in violation of human rights, guarantee of gender equality, and fair and equitable treatment of all employees. INPAQ’s remuneration policy ensures that salary determination is not affected by factors such as gender, age, race, religion, and political affiliation.
All INPAQ operating sites strictly abide by labor right-related laws. New hires and active employees are educated on human rights protection and labor rights and interests. In addition, INPAQ also has a whistleblowing channel for staff members in place. Conscientious investigations are initiated after processing by dedicated personnel. Whistleblower identities are kept strictly confidential and protection from unfavorable treatment is guaranteed if allegations are verified. There was no record of human rights violations in 2024.